Thursday, April 16, 2015

Northern White Rhinos on the Verge of Extinction

Just one male northern white rhino is left in the whole world.  His name is Sudan and he lives on the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in central Kenya.  He's the only one left because over 1000 rhinos were poached in 2014 alone.  This poaching happens because the poachers are told that the rhino horns can be sold for large sums of money to certain people in China because the horns are said to have magic curative properties.  Sudan was placed under 24-hour armed security at the conservancy to keep the poachers away.  Sudan pretty old for one of his species being at 42 years old.  There are two females with him at the conservancy so that he can mate with them and keep the species alive, but that hasn't worked so far so scientists there are thinking of taking embryos from southern white rhinos to try and at least keep some of the northern white rhinos' genes alive.  They believe that the last five northern white rhinos will be extinct within the next ten years.  There is one female in a zoo in San Diego, one in a zoo in the Czech Republic, and two females and the one male at the conservancy in Kenya.  The scientists hope that they will be able to keep this subspecies from going extinct, but they don't have much time left to do so.  They believe it may be possible to bring back the subspecies even after its extinction sometime in the future.

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